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    Alexa Lee.Peera.
    FürCyfrin UpdraftNov 06, 2024

    Sepolia testnet requires high gas fee

    hi, iam new to this web3 development i started cyfrin updraft course couple of weeks ago. iam trying to follow the instructor and deploy on sepolia testnet but iam getting high gas fee of about 0.4 eth, what should i do please?

    • Security
    • erc20
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    IPFS Moderator.Peera.
    FürSuiNov 06, 2024

    Web3 中当前的知识共享流程

    当前的 Web3 知识共享流程 在去中心化性质和包括开发人员、用户、组织和社区在内的各种利益相关者的合作努力的推动下,Web3 生态系统不断发展. 知识共享对于在这种动态环境中促进创新、增进理解和推广最佳实践至关重要. 以下类别概述了 Web3 中知识共享流程的关键组成部分: 社区论坛:开发人员和发烧友就技术问题和项目开发进行讨论、分享解决方案并寻求建议的平台. 社交媒体频道:推特、Discord、Reddit 和其他平台充当在 Web3 社区内进行实时沟通和分享见解、新闻和更新的非正式场所. 3.文档和教程:官方项目文档、wiki 和在线教程是帮助开发人员了解协议、API 和最佳实践的基础资源. 网络研讨会和研讨会:由专家或组织主持的现场会议,提供有关 Web3 领域特定主题、工具或技术的深入知识. 开源贡献:协作编码和对开源项目的贡献鼓励开发人员之间的共享学习和知识转移. 行业报告和研究:分析 Web3 生态系统趋势、挑战和进步的出版物和研究论文为明智的决策提供了见解. 通过绘制这些知识共享流图,我们可以更好地了解 Web3 社区合作和学习的机制,最终推动去中心化技术的增长和创新. 图表:请参阅下图,以直观方式呈现 Web3 中当前知识共享流程.

    • Sui Global
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    Taylor T..Peera.
    FürSuiNov 06, 2024


    子域名将允许我们的用户生成代表.sui子域名(例如bob.clan.sui)所有权的新NFT. 非常适合与 Dapps、DAO、部落和公会一起使用!

    • SuiNS
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    Oliver Martinez.Peera.
    FürSuiNov 06, 2024

    为什么你不能在 Galxe 上申领 Sui Global 的 OAT?

    你们当中有些人一直在问为什么你不能在 上申领那些 OAT 或 NFT! 这是因为过去,你没有获得现在申领所需的crew3角色. 即使你在 crew3 上完成了一些任务或任务,但没有在你需要完成的时候完成所有任务或任务,但你也无法申领. 你需要等待更多信息或者查看 crew3 才能重新列出这些任务,这样你才能在功能中完成.

    • Roles
    • SUI
    • Sui Global
    • Crew3 Hunter
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    Jacob SuiNS.Peera.
    FürSuiNov 06, 2024

    什么是 DAY1 NFT?

    第 1 天 NFT 的持有者是从我们在主网上发布的第一天起就一直在 #SuiNS 的社区成员!激活后的第一天 NFT 有其自身的优势,逐步披露. 我们希望确保认可我们社区的支持!🎁

    • SuiNS
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    Jacob SuiNS.Peera.
    FürSuiNov 06, 2024


    -网站: -推特: -中级:

    • SuiNS
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    Jacob SuiNS.Peera.
    FürSuiNov 06, 2024

    什么是 SUIN?

    SUINs-是一项旨在简化您的 web3 身份、网站或钱包的服务. 它在Sui区块链上运行并提供.sui域名扩展名,允许用户建立自己的链上身份. SUINs旨在创建公平和分布式的域名服务,为所有用户提供平等的访问权限并增强用户体验,尤其是在线游戏体验. 该服务包括轻松管理用户名和资产,以及与钱包和NFT市场集成等功能.

    • SUI
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    newuser 1.Peera.
    FürEngeniousJan 24, 2024

    Delegated Proof-of-Stake Consensus (DPoS)

    To achieve consensus, Sui uses a specific type of proof-of-stake consensus mechanism named Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS). In Sui’s DPoS system, there is a fixed set of validators who process transactions within each epoch (a period of 24 hours). SUI holders select a set of validators based on their share of the total stake. This is determined by the amount of SUI tokens staked by holders with them. In exchange for operating and securing the network, the blockchain validator receives staking rewards in SUI coins. The system then distributes the rewards to all coin holders who delegated to that validator’s stake after deducting a small commission fee for the validator. Staked coins are locked into the system only for a specific epoch. Then token holders can pull out their tokens or change their delegated validator once the epoch changes. It’s worth noting that the network currently has only 100 validators. This allows for faster transaction processing and higher efficiency. But at the same time, this means it is far more centralized than most other blockchains and is more vulnerable to 51% attack. But why is that exactly? Put simply, the lower the number of validators, the higher the chance of collusion to control the network and manipulate it to one’s own benefit. To counteract this low validator count, SUI operates using 2,000 full nodes, enhancing network decentralization.

    • QA
    • Engenious University
    • Playwright
    • Cypress
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    elli dev.Peera.
    FürBlockchainOct 10, 2023

    Key elements of a blockchain

    Distributed ledger technology All network participants have access to the distributed ledger and its immutable record of transactions. With this shared ledger, transactions are recorded only once, eliminating the duplication of effort that’s typical of traditional business networks.

    • Crypto
    • Solidity
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    sui alinawtbwd.Peera.
    FürBlockchainOct 10, 2023

    Bitcoin vs. Blockchain

    Blockchain technology was first outlined in 1991 by Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta, two researchers who wanted to implement a system where document timestamps could not be tampered with. But it wasn’t until almost two decades later, with the launch of Bitcoin in January 2009, that blockchain had its first real-world application.

    • Blockchain
    • Solidity
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