- Playwright
- Playwright
00- 专家问答为SuiNov 07, 2024
Wie stellt Sui Skalierbarkeit und Leistung sicher?
Da sich die Blockchain-Technologie weiterentwickelt, ist die Sicherstellung von Skalierbarkeit und Leistung von entscheidender Bedeutung für die Unterstützung von Anwendungen mit hoher Nachfrage, insbesondere in Sektoren wie Finanzen, Spielen und dezentralen Finanzen (DeFi). Das Sui-Netzwerk mit seiner einzigartigen Architektur und seinen innovativen Funktionen zielt darauf ab, diese Herausforderungen effektiv anzugehen. Angesichts der zunehmenden Komplexität und Benutzerlast auf Blockchain-Plattformen ist es wichtig, die spezifischen Strategien zu verstehen, die Sui anwendet, um einen hohen Durchsatz, eine niedrige Latenz und eine robuste Leistung aufrechtzuerhalten. Wie stellt Sui Skalierbarkeit und Leistung für Anwendungen mit hohen Anforderungen sicher? Welche architektonischen Entscheidungen und technologischen Innovationen werden getroffen, damit das Unternehmen große Transaktionsvolumen effizient abwickeln kann?
- Sui Global
02最佳答案官方答案 - 专家问答Alina QA22为Cyfrin UpdraftNov 06, 2024
Error `make deploy` in VS Code - `bash: make: command not found`
I am encountering an issue while trying to deploy using make deploy in VS Code with Foundry and Anvil. Despite Anvil launching properly without any errors, when I attempt to deploy using the command make deploy, I consistently receive the error message bash: make: command not found. Has anyone faced a similar problem or can provide guidance on resolving this issue? Any assistance would be greatly valued as I have been unable to progress since yesterday. Thank you.
- Security
- Gas
12 - 专家问答为Cyfrin UpdraftNov 06, 2024
What are the recommended protocols for smart contract audit?
I am looking to conduct a smart contract audit and would like to know the best protocols to follow. Can anyone suggest a wide range of protocols that are commonly used in competitive audits? Any insights or recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
- Transaction
- Foundry
12 How to Build an IPFS Implementation?
I am looking to start working on an implementation project but unsure of where to begin. Could someone provide guidance on the initial steps to take and any resources that might be helpful in this process? Thank you.
24最佳答案官方答案Difference between these: CREW3HUNTER and CREW3
Please Explain to newcomers which of these roles can be obtained and what is the difference between them. CREW3HUNTER | CHAMPION CREW3 CHAMPION P.S. I will select the best answer only among users whose reputation is less than 100 (you will get 15 points).
- Roles
- Sui Global
34最佳答案- 专家问答为SuiNov 06, 2024
Cyber validator Sui Global
There is a person on the Sui Global team who is a cyber validator. What do you think a cyber validator is for? Can we accept the scenario that Sui Global will become a validator in Sui mainnet?
- Sui Global
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- Blockchain
- Crypto
- Sui Global
- Solidity
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- Engenious University
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